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Blackwall Reach

October 2020 - August 2022

We were commissioned to work with local stakeholders and residents to design a set of public art installations for a new public realm within a housing development. We worked with the themes of joy and nostalgia and explored what brought people joy, their joyful memories and looked for the universal experiences of joy for example learning a new physical skill, sunshine and rain, good meals and conversations with friends.

About the project

We were commissioned to work with local stakeholders and residents to design a set of public art installations for a new public realm within a housing development. We worked with the themes of joy and nostalgia and explored what brought people joy, their joyful memories and looked for the universal experiences of joy for example learning a new physical skill, sunshine and rain, good meals and conversations with friends. Working through zines we created artwork that represented these themes that we could use on artwork around the open space. Seating and signage also came up through the process and this feedback was used to influence the landscape design. Through pop ups, workshops, events and tag ons we created artwork that is specfic to this unique place.

Our tools and approach

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