Aberfeldy New Village
Bow Arts & Wilmott Dixon
We were commissioned by Aberfeldy New Village to develop a Public Art and Way Finding strategy for the soon-to-be developed parts of Aberfeldy Estate. As with all of our projects, we developed our designs collaboratively to ensure the overarching narrative for public art within Aberfeldy New Village is relevant for existing and new residents across the lifetime of this development.
September 2014 – March 2015.
Looking closely at the rich history of the East India Dock we explored themes of trade and the objects relating to trade with a mobile cart of curiosities that travelled through Aberfeldy Estate and visited the existing community groups which we identified. This mobile cart full of curious objects encouraged people to stop, explore and trade senses with us, in any language. It was filled with spices, fabrics, tools, textures and dyes that were historically traded, piqued people’s interest and led to them to sharing stories of the memories they had of the objects in the cart.
Using these curiosities as a launching point we developed co-design workshops to create paisley art work for a series of bespoke paving stones; cast concrete tea crates to represent the arrival of new goods into an area and carved stones to represent the oddities that arrive through trade.
Read a more detailed case study here.